I do not use music in my ministry other than during prison worship services and personal relaxation and growth. I enjoy listening to all types of Christian based music.

First it’s important to understand the cycle of addiction. When a person takes things like alcohol or drugs, these substances alter the chemical composition of the brain. Alcohol and drugs causes the brain to release endorphins, Bookmarks the pleasure causing agents. As a result the person loses all his inhibitions and feels “high”. The process of addiction is a sine wave phenomenon with sharp peaks and troughs. As the intoxication wee ras off, a feeling of being let down or depression can occur. He starts craving for the next fix since his body demands it. The focus is on just a single thing, the next high or rush. He spends all his energy in getting the drug or the alcohol and nothing else matters.

drug use in Tampa Florida Whatever is said or done by the person who is in denial cannot be taken personally. This is part of the illness and it is common that they will blame their addictions on you or someone else. Through their denial they will tell themselves that it’s because no one understands, or everyone else is wrong and they are right. No matter what, they are not seeing the world through a clear and healthy mind and they are only trying to find ways to defend themselves against their own actions.

This doesn’t mean that every teen with a substance abuse problem has a parent with a drug abuse problem, though that is often the case. Young adults with seemingly normal families, with parents who don’t have a substance abuse problem can still get hooked on drugs or can be afflicted by alcoholism at an early age. Why? Because parents, once again, often don’t talk TO their children, they talk at or around them.

Although these things are probably true, the person will start to grow a tolerance quickly. The more of this drug that they take the more they will need in order to achieve the same effects. In turn, this can cause a rapid and dangerous addiction. This is why some people addicted to prescription drugs can find themselves taking as many as twenty to thirty pills a day. They have grown such a tolerance that it takes that much to get the high that they are looking for.

Having a substance abuse or drug addiction problem will change many things in your life. You will find that your family and friends will come in second place to your drug needs. It can also affect your job where eventually you could become unemployed because you could no longer function. Before you know it you could be without your family and homeless all at the same time.

One clear cocaine addiction sign is an inability to focus. Users find it a challenge to complete work assignments or even general work around the house. The frustration and general unease from these failures will lead to even more abuse of the drug. Here’s a clear series of yes and no questions from medical professionals that can give you a good indication if you or a loved one may have lost control.

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