Asking for payment in two or more stages will help preserve cash flow whilst you’re working on larger projects. Where appropriate, you could also consider asking for a deposit or partial payment up-front – perhaps when you’re dealing with a new customer, or someone who has delayed paying you in the past. Make sure the details of any staged payments are set out clearly in a written contract before you start work.
words of inspiration for someone fighting addiction Seeming rejection from other people is really only a problem if I have rejected myself. If I feel pained by a situation it is best that I listen to the part of me that feels the hurt and hear what is has to say. I can then think about what happened and explain it to myself. If I reject the hurt, then I am really rejecting myself, and that causes a lot more pain than anything.
It took several months, hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs, and a major financial meltdown for most people to realize that the recession was actually happening. How quick do you think they’ll be to recognize an economic recovery?One of the best ways to take advantage of a better economy is to be out in front. As soon as your clients have money to spend, you want to be the first person they talk to about investing some of that cash into new products, services, and equipment. But to do so, you’re going to have to keep a close eye on what’s going on around you, because by the time you read about the recovery in newspaper, it’s going to be too late – your customers will already have bought from someone else.
words of encouragement for sobriety Unfortunately, most drug treatment addicts have to hit rock bottom before they see the light. Your job is to make sure you and your family members don’t slide into that pit with them.
The answer to that lies within the individual. The twelve step recovery program is the vehicle which we use in drug and alcohol treatment, and therefore should be the same method practiced by the staff. After all, we are the ones the patients first see and we espouse this approach to living. How well do we see that rigorous honesty being practiced in us? See, this personal inventory stuff, if done correctly gets pretty painful from the get go. Even after years of abstinence. So the first moral inventory usually is pretty superficial. But it is a beginning.
words of inspiration for sobriety Living or dealing with an addict can be a painful thing, and often you feel alone. You aren’t. Find a local Al-Anon meeting and start attending. Al-Anon is for the loved ones of addicts as well as the addicts themselves. You will get to know people who have been through what you’re going through now, and who can help you.
2) Reach out for help. People who are living with an addict often isolate themselves out of shame or embarrassment. Don’t make this mistake. More than ever you need the support of friends and loved ones. It can help to remember that, statistically, one in four people are affected by addiction. You are not alone. It’s time to shed any shame and allow people back into your life.
When my sponsor first suggested that I pray about a problem or situation, and then turn it over to my Higher Power, I first thought, “Well that’s not going to work. I’ve got to..” When I tried it I found that it did work, and over the years I’ve discovered many other ways of handling things. Now when I’m struggling with a problem or situation, I stop trying so hard, and I’ve learned to try different. And it works (when I work it).